How to Whiten Dull Clothes
Are your white underwear, linens, and shirts turning dull and grey? Here’s how to make your whites look as bright and brand-new as possible!
What Causes White Clothes to Fade?
We must first grasp what makes white turn dingy. The following are frequently the main causes of dull or greyed whites:
- Hard Water
- A Wrong Wash Temperature
- Age of Fabric
- Combining Darks with Whites
So, what can we do to make whites more vibrant?
We utilized two techniques to make dull, dirty whites more vibrant. One method involves bleach while the other does not.
Method 1: Bleach
Be cautious to check the tags before using this approach. This method is to be used on cotton whites that are bleach-safe, such as socks, underwear, and other clothing.
- Fill the empty wash tub with the amount of detergent advised for the size of your load, then let the washer fill.
- Add the recommended amount of bleach for your size load when the washer is about halfway full. Use the bleach dispenser if you have one. If not, add bleach to the water in the washer PRIOR to adding any clothing.
- Add the clothes to the washer after the washer has filled up. NOTE: Before adding the clothing, make sure the detergent is completely dissolved and the water has dissolved the bleach. The best way to do this is to let the washer agitate the water for a minute with the lid closed. This will prevent ruining your clothing.
- Give the clothing at least 20 minutes to soak. Use the “pre-soak” cycle if your washer has one. If not, either leave the lid up or turn the dial back in; doing so should stop the washer from running in most cases.
- Set your washing machine to the hottest temperature possible and run the cycle.
- You might want to run the rinse cycle once the entire cycle is finished to be sure any bleach residue has been completely removed from your clothes.
Method 2: Non-Bleach
Check the tags once again, but this technique is meant for machine-washable dress shirts, blouses, and other clothing that is NOT bleach safe. Although washing takes a little more time and effort, this procedure is better for fabrics and may ultimately result in whites that are brighter.
- Fill a sink or a bucket with hot water and add about two tablespoons of dish soap.
- Add in the clothing and allow your clothes to soak for 15-20 minutes.
- Drain the water, and rinse your clothes with warm water.
- Refill sink or bucket with hot water and add about two tablespoons of ammonia.
- Add in the clothing and allow your clothes to soak for 15-20 minutes.
- Drain the water, and rinse your clothes with warm water.
- Machine wash- set your machine to hot water and add in the recommended amount of laundry detergent to the washer.
- Once the machine is about half full, add in a scoop of laundry booster.
- Add in clothes and wash as usual.
Tips and Tricks:
Before using any of these cleaning techniques, be sure all of your clothing can withstand the appropriate water temperatures, wash cycles, and cleaning processes by checking the tags.
You might have hard water if you frequently experience dingy whites. A water softening agent added to your wash may help prevent whites from becoming gray or becoming stained.